Friday, July 20, 2012

Perfect 10

Well, maybe not perfect, but darn close...


Ten years ago today, I married my best friend.
It was, without a doubt, the best decision I have ever made.

I am so, so thankful to be married to Mark. He is so incredibly patient, supportive, and kind. He's witty, in this very subtle, but hilarious, way. He gets me, he pushes me to be better. Given the choice, 9.9 times out of 10, I would choose to spend time with him over anyone else (hey, a girls night is good now and then). He is my best friend. My partner in everything.

He is a wonderful dad. He spends time with the kids and strikes a great balance between encouraging them and challenging them.  He is the one who handles the after-school chaos and listens to the drama of the day, directs homework, and makes dinner.  He is not caught up in gender roles. 

He would do anything for me and our family.

I have spent 1/3 of my life married to this man. I can't wait to see what the next decade brings.

January 2001
Two crazy kids, dating.  
2001 brought our engagement and Grace!

July 20, 2002
Wonderful day

May 2003 - College graduates!
2003 brought graduation, a move, new job, started law school

June 2004
2004 brought 2 moves across the state, another new job, more law school survival ;)

Spring 2005
2005 brought some big career decisions...and Mark grew a beard. Big fan of that. :)

Christmas 2006
2006 brought law school graduation, home purchase, 2 new jobs, bar exam, Ally!
It was a pretty epic year, but not an easy one!

Summer 2007
2007 brought work/life balance struggles, began adoption process

July 2008
2008 brought completed adoption (Abi and Hana!),
travel to Ethiopia, began adoption process again.

July 2009
2009 brought loss of my dad, job loss/change, finalized adoption, brought Selam home!
This was an incredibly trying year, and probably the one that grew our marriage the most.

Spring 2010
2010 was a year of settling in and tremendous growth!
Getting used to our family of 7, homeschooling 2010-2011 school year

June 2011
2011 brought more loss - both Mark and I lost a grandpa.
It was also a year of me dealing with some hard stuff within myself.  Battling these demons has really allowed me to let myself be loved and has changed our marriage for the better.


More in love than ever.


  1. Hugs, love and congrats. You two are awesome. :)

  2. I love your tribute to the past 10 years:) May you and Mark be blessed with many, many more wonderful years of adventuring together!
