Monday, December 3, 2012

Otra Vez

Another Sunday! So that's right - another round of ciclovia and the mercado! (FYI - otra vez just means "another time" or "again") Unfortunately, one family was still rather down and out with this rotten stomach bug, but the other family and Jhon and I teamed up with G, a wonderful woman from Ireland, her mother-in-law and her adorable 2 year old S. So, the 9 of us headed out to enjoy the beautiful day and do a little shopping.

First, we enjoyed a little Navidad decor at Norbertos, the amazing salon with all the decorations.  So, we took advantage of a few photo ops with Papa Noel: 

And a polar bear.

Before long, we hit Calle 116 and were enjoying the most amazing corn on the planet. Jhon even tried some this week. He was a fan. Seriously amazing stuff.

Then we headed off again to the market.  The day was a bit cooler than last Sunday and Jhon handled the walk much better. Before we knew it, we were there, checking out the little booths, dodging shoppers, performers and dogs, and enjoying ourselves.

Jhon and I at the mercado. You can see some of the tents in the background.  Can you believe that beautiful sky?

And this is Jhon just running like a fool through the grassy field area. I can't believe he hasn't fallen down with exhaustion yet, but he was going strong!

There is so much to see at the market. Tons of random Colombian souvenirs  but also just some neat crafts, tasty treats, and utter randomness.  Like... the Hulk?

And this creepy elf guy ... 

Then we made the long trek home. Which, admittedly, felt much shorter since Jhon was not throwing a tantrum this week. Yay for success. He and his 5 year old buddy traded off turns in the umbrella stroller, which made life easier for all concerned. 

Whew. What a great day!

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