Thursday, August 9, 2012

Three Things Thursday - Beds, Crayons and Tired Legs

(1)   This week is a bit of a step-back week in my training.  It feels weird.  There was this rebellious part of me that was going to squeeze in an extra run just because… but then I admitted that I’m tired.   So I’m sticking with the plan. Rule follower at heart I suppose. I have been sneaking in some more strength/core training though. 10+ pushups daily and 60 second plank. Yesterday I tried my hand at a burpee-squat-sit up combo. Whew. Kicked my butt.

(2)   Summer is flying by. I’m scheduling last-minute appointments (several doctors, dentist, etc) and realizing there aren’t many open days!  May have to school shop this weekend. Bah. I hate school shopping. Except for $0.25 crayons. Love $0.25 crayola crayons. I hope I didn’t miss that deal…
(3)   We are undergoing the great “bed swap” at our house right now.  Currently, Abi has his own room and a single bed, but we need bunks in there with Jhon coming home. Plus, the older girls have old beds which they managed to break. So…the little girls’ bunks are moving into the boys’ room, Abi’s bed has been moved into the big girls’ room and we’re picking up another bed for the older girls.  Oh, and Mark is building the little girls a new double bed (partially out of the remains of the older girls’ broken beds!).  J Whew. Now we just need to acquire one more twin mattress and a full mattress and we’ll be all set! I was hoping to get the kids’ rooms painted this summer too and that hasn’t happened.  Well, one thing at a time I guess…

Hmmm… I’m sure that was fascinating.  : /

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cat, My name is Pascale. I found your blog on the Colombia yahoo adoption group. Thanks for sharing it. Kudos to you preparing a marathon. My husband and I are trying to prepare a half marathon. it is not always easy and has its ups and downs but your blog is really motivating and inspiring me !
    We are on the ICBF wait list to adopt a sibling group of two , 0 to 8 years old and really looking forward to parenting ! Take care!
