Monday, August 27, 2012

Marathon Training Wk 6 Recap - Allergies, Heat and 18 miles...

It was another toss up week. Some good, some bad. Allergies have really kicked in full force and it's affecting my training much more than I anticipated. Trying to roll with it.

Planned/Completed/Avg pace

Monday: 3 miles; 3.15 miles (11:20) - Just an easy run so didn't watch my pace. Finding I have less and less motivation for these 3 milers... but I got it done.

Tuesday: 8 miles NS (4,4); done! Felt tired and sluggish to start, but kept plugging away. Picked up the pace at mile 4 and started feeling speedier. Splits: miles 1-4 (46:59); miles 5-8 (41:43)

Wednesday: Rest or XT; Rest

Thursday: 6 miles of speedwork; 3.11 of blah (10:45). Knew when I woke up that speed was NOT in the cards. Decided to shoot for 5 miles and tried to pick up the pace after mile 1. Dropped my goal to 4 and barely made 3.  :( Felt rotten and sneezy.

Friday: 3 miles/4 miles(11:22); I was supposed to run Friday morning and I didn't. I still felt icky, but it really bothered me that I was messing up yet another work out. I decided to run at lunch. It was HOT. I felt really proud that I did it, although slightly sick :)

Saturday: 18 miles; BOOM (11:43 - I was pretty happy given how much I walked!)  I went into this run feeling oddly confident (especially given my previous couple of days...). I knew it was going to be hot so I planned to start early. I don't do well in heat, so I already made sure I was okay with walking. I picked a totally new route, so that was nice.  I had hoped to push it a little and go until at least 18.5 or 19... but at mile 16 it was so hot already and I knew pushing it beyond 18 just wasn't smart. Last few miles weren't pretty, but got 'er done!

Sunday:  Rest; Done (as long as family fun day counts! more tomorrow...)

Total: 38 miles/ 36 miles.

1 comment:

  1. this past week allergies have really zapped me too. i don't have a solution but if you find one let me know!!
