Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Not too shabby...

Just as a quick follow up to yesterday...

In February I dropped 3.5 lbs (so close to my goal of 4!) and I can still do 20 "real" push ups but NOT 30.  Not too bad considering I have done ZERO strength training in 3 weeks or so. :) All in all, pleased that my fitness level has stayed fairly constant.  I'll take it.

Also, I received several sweet messages from family and friends that seemed worried I was too hard on myself.  I want to assure you I'm not losing sleep over anything. I have just found that I am a "list" person and I do much better if I have taken the time to define specific goals (whatever they may be or relate to). Otherwise, I have a tendency to "coast" and not make much progress on even the simplest tasks.  This is especially true when something else starts to take my attention. I have worked too hard over the past year to lose my progress because I'm distracted by a shiny object. ;) My goals help me to stay the course without letting health/fitness issues take over my life.  A win-win!

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